Course curriculum

    1. KeyCode Transmission - Unlocking Magnetic Frequency

    2. Embodiment Ritual - Dark Desires Ritual (Audio)

    1. KeyCode Transmission - Sexuality as the portal to Power

    2. Embodiment Ritual - Sex Magic Ritual (Audio)

    1. KeyCode Transmission - Seduction is in your DNA

    2. Embodiment Ritual - Erotic Dance Ritual

    1. Couple Codes Download with Sophia & her husband - You as the conduit for consciousness upgrades

    1. Siren of Seduction Workbook

About this course

  • $222.00
  • 8 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

“I feel freedom in my business life and have many new clients. Now, I have a better relationship to my husband and feel closer to him. Inside Wildly Sexy, I opened up to a deep sensitivity and feel more vibrant and alive!”


“ I’ve discovered so much inner love, become a more present parent, felt more playful, and experienced more abundance with the humans I serve by being myself.  ”


“The shared wisdom inside Wildly Sexy was just pure magic. I am feeling confident in my being and setting boundaries in all aspects of my life. I feel this newfound connection to myselfFiFi”


“My partner and I have better communication. We are more harmonious. I have more pleasure, sensitivity, presence, and enjoyment during sex. I feel more connected to spirit. I felt I had more intuition for my own needs listening within when making decisions. I feel more creative and have rekindled my interest in magic again. I have a clearer vision of my life purpose. Wildly Sexy truly inspired me to take this work further. I can't wait to continue the rituals and learn more!”


“Wildly Sexy helped me to step into my skin more confidently, and to be inspired by others rather than jealous! I learned that sexy isn’t how you look... it's how you feel! I really enjoyed the dancing rituals, which helped me to be more present in my body and to feel sexy! I loved the community of women.  I feel a lot more sexy, confident and all fired up!”


Your Teacher

Sophia Le Page

Master Practitioner of NLP + Time Line Therapy® | Feminine Embodiment + Leadership Coach

Sophia is a Rebel Queen, NLP + TimeLine Therapy® Master Practitioner & Feminine Embodiment + Leadership Coach. She has dedicated the past 4 years to helping women around the world let go of what’s been holding them back, embody their Juicy Feminine Sensuality & claim the lives of their wildest dreams.   In her 30s, after burnout & a messy divorce, Sophia broke free from Good Girl programming, ignited her Feminine Magnetism & began leading herself from a place of desire. She traveled with Shamans, sat with Gurus & studied the Esoteric & Tantric Arts. Her 40s have been the juiciest yet, having married her Beloved in Bali, they now live in Austin, TX as life just gets better & better!